Moldy Blues? Chocolate makers always face it. What can be worse than cloudy chocolate with a dull presentation, especially when you are in the make-and-sell category?
Well, the purpose of this blog is to teach you how to clean polycarbonate molds so you get clean and shiny chocolate pieces every time. Furthermore, we will explain how to increase the life of silicone molds and keep them in pristine condition. Ready to know? Let's go!

Understanding Polycarbonate Molds
PJ Bold's Polycarbonate molds are reusable molds mainly used for chocolate making. However, they have multiple other applications as well. Here is a breakdown of their feature:
Polycarbonate molds are highly transparent, which allows you to see the actual hue of your culinary creation. Furthermore, it helps easily identify leftovers in mold, making it easier to clean and reuse.
Smooth Finish:
The most important feature of these molds is their smooth finish, which translates to shiny chocolate every time.
Chocolate molds Polycarbonates are highly durable. In addition to that, these are heat resistant, making them oven-safe and suitable for various recipes other than chocolates.
These molds come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. A perfect solution for creating all sorts of chocolate designs. You can find them on PJ Bold's website with multiple customization options.
Signs Your Polycarbonate Molds Need Cleaning
Before we jump to "how to clean polycarbonate molds" section. It's better to understand when it is necessary to clean your mold. Here are some indications that your chocolate molds are crying for cleaning up!
Cloudy or Hazy Appearance:
A clear sign of dirty mold is a cloudy and hazy appearance. As we know, polycarbonate chocolate molds are meant to be clear and transparent in color.
Uneven Chocolate Distribution:
Do you know the residue effect? It makes your chocolate uneven and patchy. It is a clear sign your mold needs cleaning right away.
Difficulty Demolding:
If you are having difficulty demolding your chocolates, it means it's time for a wash. Or a better option is to use a sillion mold. These molds offer easy-release and perfect edges. You can purchase them from the PJ Bolds silicon mold section.
Scratches or Stains:
Over time, dirty molds can develop minor scratches or stains that can affect the aesthetics of your chocolates.
Get Ready to Clean! Gather Your Weapons
Now you know when to clean your molds. But do you know which tools and cleaning agents you need? Don't scratch your head! I already have the list. Yay! And with that, I will also tell you when the right time is for casual cleaning and when to go for deep cleaning.
Essential Cleaning tools:
When it comes to cleaning, there are no hard and fast rules. If you don't have a tool in hand, try to find an alternate. But keep in mind that your tools shouldn't be hard on polycarbonate mold. For instance, avoid harsh chemicals and scrubbers. These can damage your mold, and you will end up with worse for wear molds. Coming back to the ingredients, here we are:
- Warm Water: Not too hot, just comfortable bath temperature.
- Dish Soap: A gentle, grease-cutting friend.
- Soft Sponges or Microfiber Cloths: These are your gentle giants, fighting grime without scratching.
Optionally, you can use demineralized water for the final rinse. This removes any water or mineral residue that might cause marks.
Casual Cleaning Vs Deep Cleaning
Every time you use mold, there will be some left-overs. Simply dusting it off or rinsing it with water will work fine. Furthermore, it is a casual need and a hygiene practice too. However, there is some grease and residue that builds up over time, and cleaning it occasionally is also necessary. Simply put, causal cleaning is a daily process and deep cleaning should be done every 3 to 6 months.
How to Clean Polycarbonate Molds?
Now we know every in and out of polycarbonate chocolate molds. So let's clean them deep enough to regain their original condition.
The Pre-Soak:
Use a paper towel to clean up any stickiness in the mold, then fill a basin with warm, soapy water (use your gentle dish soap). Put your molds completely in the water and let them soak for 15-20 minutes. This loosens any stubborn chocolate or grime, making them easier to scrub away.
The Gentle Scrub:
After soaking, gently scrub your molds with a soft sponge or microfiber cloth. Pay special attention to crevices and corners where residue might hide.
The Rinse Cycle:
Once you've scrubbed all the surfaces, give your molds a thorough rinse with warm water. Ensure all soap residue is removed.
The Grand Finale:
Let your molds air dry completely on a clean dish towel. Please do not use a drying cloth, as it can leave lint behind. You can also use heat drying, but keep in mind that 4 seconds is enough time to dry a patch.
Rejuvenating Your Molds: Re-Seasoning, Storage, and Keeping Them Shining
Now that your polycarbonate molds for chocolates are sparkling clean, thanks to the deep clean mission, let's ensure they stay that way! You can explore the why should we choose polycarbonate molds for chocolate.
Re-Seasoning for Flawless Chocolate Release:
Use a light oil coat on your polycarbonate mold to rejuvenate its low sticking power. Let sit for a minimum of 30 minutes or, ideally, overnight. Now remove the excess oil, and there you are with a fresh mold
Storing Your Molds for Lasting Performance:
Find a cool, dry place away from sunlight to store your polycarbonate in optimal condition. Furthermore, don't store anything heavy on top of your molds. The pressure can cause them to warp or lose their shape.
Pro-tip: Use wrapping paper to avoid any potential hazards.
How do I store polycarbonate molds?
Store at a cool and dry place (room temperature). Moreover, add a layer of wrapping paper to protect it from dust and damage.
Can I wash polycarbonate molds in the dishwasher?
No, it's not a safe idea to use the dishwasher, especially with highly reactive detergents.
What is the lifespan of polycarbonate?
Usually, it takes 10 to 20 years if handled with care.
Can I use polycarbonate molds for gummies?
Of course, you can use them for gummies and candies as well.
What should I avoid when deep cleaning molds?
Richlor, acetone, and triclene should be avoided as cleaning agents.
In a Nutshell:
Polycarbonate for chocolate molds is a delicate product that needs extra care and attention as compared to silicon molds. Regularly cleaning them can improve their life span. Furthermore, it will be cheaper due to its longer lifespan. So invest in quality molds and enjoy their unique benefits.